• DevOpsCertification, India
  • contact@devopssupport.in

This course have a highlight:

  • Be able to write testable requirements and write effective User Acceptance Tests
  • Understand the concepts of virtualization and lightweight containers and build and deploy container based applications
  • Understand the important concepts of object-oriented design and make efficient use of design patterns
  • Understand and select the best data storage solutions for applications
  • Be able to develop high-quality code using test driven development and code quality evaluation tools
  • Make efficient use of source control systems, build tools and continuous integration tools
  • Know how to utilize integration and configuration management tools
  • Appreciate the importance of monitoring tools and when and when not to optimize software

This course covers the following tools like

Operating Systems

  • Windows
  • Linux (CentOs & Ubantu)

Version Control Management Tools Using

  • SVN
  • Git

Build & Lifecycle Management Tools Using?

  • Ant
  • Maven
  • NANT
  • Gradle

World of Application Packaging Tools with

  • RPM
  • YUM
  • APT

Virtualization and Container with

  • Docker
  • Vagrant
  • Vmware
  • VirtualBox

Static Code Analysis using

  • SonarQube

Test Coverage using

  • Jacoco
  • Cobertura

Configuration Management, Automation & Deployment Tools Using

  • Chef
  • Puppet

Continuous Integration & Delivery Using

  • Jenkins

Understanding the Cloud Infrastructure with

  • Amazon AWS EC2

Server Monitoring Tools with

  • Nagios

Programming and Scripting with

  • Bash Scripting
  • Ruby Fundamental

DevOps Professional Course and Certification exam for whom

  • Individuals and organisations seeking a fundamental understanding of DevOps
  • Employees, managers, stakeholders and suppliers who are leading or contributing to an organisation's DevOps initiatives
  • Consultants guiding their clients through DevOps programs and process improvement initiatives
  • Application and infrastructure providers whose products are part of the DevOps tool chain
  • Internal and external suppliers
  • Business stakeholders


Basic familiarity with IT and IT frameworks (Agile, Lean, ITSM) is recommended