• DevOpsCertification, India
  • contact@devopssupport.in

DevOps Certified professional spend a lot of time thinking about and doing things other than designing, coding, and unit-testing application features.

These are quality in which a developer will be able to do at their best, after this certification.

  • Packaging and planning feature rollouts (including how to measure success) and working with ops to roll-out system changes including changes to infrastructure.
  • Building your continuous delivery or continuous deployment pipelines, including automating system tests as much as possible: integration testing, operations testing, security testing, and performance testing.
  • Data analytics and data science to support A/B testing, designing metrics and analyzing the results.
  • Monitoring and troubleshooting the system in production, making sure that it is working correctly, and fixing it if it isn't. This can, and probably will include being on call for code that you wrote in case something goes wrong.
  • Working through failure and recovery scenarios with ops, and joining in blameless post mortem reviews when something goes wrong in production. Everyone involved with the system gets together to understand what happened, what went wrong, why it went wrong, what you and others can do to prevent a problem like this from happening again, and to make it easier to fix and recover from if it happens again. This includes everything from how to improve your design or your testing or the information that the system provides to ops, to how to improve information sharing between people in an incident, and what training or tools people need to do their jobs better. You then feed all of this back into how you work as part of a continuous improvement process, just as you would with Agile retrospectives.

One of the best and demanded course in the industry, which is responsible for various projects that is going in the companies.