
Troubleshooting Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘example.sessions’ doesn’t exist Error in Laravel

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The error message SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 indicates that Laravel is trying to access a database table called sessions that doesn’t seem to be present in the specified database cloud18i_dbpethu.

In Laravel, the sessions table is used when you are storing session data in the database. By default, Laravel uses file-based session storage, but it can be configured to use database storage for better scalability and sharing sessions across multiple instances.

Diagnosing the Problem

In your case, it seems that your application’s session driver was changed from file to database in the .env configuration file. When this change was made, Laravel attempted to store session data in the database, which led to the error because the sessions table did not exist.

Here’s a closer look at what might have gone wrong:

  1. Session Driver Change: Changing the session driver to database in the .env file tells Laravel to use the database to manage sessions. This requires a sessions table to be present in the database.
  2. Missing Table: If the sessions table does not exist, Laravel will throw an error when trying to access it. This is likely what happened in your case.


To resolve this issue, you have two main options:

  1. Revert to File-Based SessionsIf you do not need to store sessions in the database, you can revert to the default file-based session storage. To do this, follow these steps:
    • Open your .env file, which is located in the root directory of your Laravel application.
    • Find the line that specifies the session driver. It should look something like this:

Change it back to:


Save the .env file and clear the application cache by running the following command:

php artisan config:cache

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