Test Database Connection is ok or not

Laravel provides an interactive shell called Tinker, which allows you to test database connections easily. Run: Then, in the interactive shell, try the following: If your connection…

Resolving “Invalid Key Supplied” Error in Laravel Passport

Introduction While working with Laravel Passport for authentication, you may encounter the following error: This error indicates that the OAuth key used for authentication is either missing…

Laravel SMTP Mailer TransportException: Connection Timeout Error

While working on a project that involved sending emails through Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) using Symfony, I encountered a frustrating error. It looked something like this:…

Guide to Installing and Using “Laravel Meta Manager”

Laravel Meta Manager is a powerful SEO tool designed to enhance the search engine optimization (SEO) of your Laravel application or specific web pages. By incorporating recommended…

Laravel: Removing extra tags in Content

user-generated content often involves managing and sanitizing input data to ensure security and maintain data integrity. One common task is stripping HTML and PHP tags from text…

How do I become a pro in Laravel?

Becoming a Laravel expert requires a structured learning path and consistent practice. Below is a roadmap that outlines the essential skills and topics you should learn to…

Error in Laravel “Class ‘Session’ not found”

The above code attempts to display error and success messages stored in session variables using the Session facade. However, the error occurs due to the Session class…

Limitations of Function Parameters in PHP

In PHP, functions play a fundamental role in organizing and encapsulating code logic. They allow developers to define reusable blocks of code that can be executed with…

Fixing a Laravel Password Reset Email Error

The error you’re encountering seems to stem from a method call within the sendResetLinkEmail() function. Specifically, there appears to be an issue with the sendResetLinkResponse() method call….

Error in Laravel: Fixing “Non-Static Method Cannot be Called Statically”

The error message you’re seeing indicates that you’re trying to call a non-static method in a static context. In object-oriented programming, static methods belong to the class…