How to Delete pages from pdf file in JavaScript
we need JavaScript libraries: pdf.js: “” pdf-lib: “” //This library helps to delete pages. downloadjs: “” //use for download attachment Make a index.html file save and run…

Targeting methods in Javascript (querySelector)
querySelector document.querySelector(CSS Selector) querySelectorAll document.querySelectorAll(CSS Selector) querySelector() The querySelector() method returns the first Element within the document that matches the specified selector, or group of selectors. It…

length // it is a property toLowerCase() toUpperCase() Includes() startsWith() endsWith() search() match() indexOf() lastIndexOf() replace() trim() charAt() charCodeAt() fromCharCode() concat() Split() repeat() slice() substr() substring() toString()…

JavaScript DOM(Document Object Model)
DOM is such a technology with the help of which we can completely control any html document with JavaScript. With the help of DOM we can access…