PlatformException: read_external_storage_denied in Flutter

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Error: PlatformException(read_external_storage_denied, User did not allow reading external storage, null, null)

Encountering a PlatformException with the message “read_external_storage_denied” indicates that the application is attempting to access external storage without the necessary permissions granted by the user. Here’s how to resolve this issue:

1. Request Permission: Before accessing external storage, ensure that your app requests the required permissions from the user. Use the permission_handler package to handle permission requests in Flutter. Here’s how you can implement it.

import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart';

// Requesting permission
PermissionStatus status = await;
if (status.isGranted) {
  // Proceed with accessing external storage
} else {
  // Handle denied or restricted permissions

Ensure that the necessary permission declarations are within the <manifest> tag in your AndroidManifest.xml file.

2. Check Flutter Version: Ensure that both the file_picker package and the Flutter framework are up to date. Older versions may not be compatible with newer ones. Update the file_picker dependency in your pubspec.yaml file to the latest version.

  file_picker: ^4.2.0  # or the latest version

Run flutter pub get to fetch the updated dependencies.

3. Test on Real Device: Emulators may sometimes behave differently from real devices, especially concerning permission-related issues. To accurately simulate user interactions, test your app on a real device.

4. Reinstall the App: Consider uninstalling and reinstalling the app on the device if you’ve made changes to its dependencies or permissions. This ensures that any modifications take effect properly.

By following these steps, you can resolve the PlatformException related to “read_external_storage_denied” and ensure that your Flutter app can access external storage with the necessary permissions granted by the user.

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