First we have to create project in htdocs Ex: pdfcreator Then go inside the project Then we have to install…
If your local site not loading to browser then it might be .htaccess error 1st step: GOTO the .htaccess file…
When ever you got error as a Not found URL 1st step:- Turn off the XAMPP server (apache, mySQL) 2nd…
querySelector document.querySelector(CSS Selector) querySelectorAll document.querySelectorAll(CSS Selector) querySelector() The querySelector() method returns the first Element within the document that matches the…
length // it is a property toLowerCase() toUpperCase() Includes() startsWith() endsWith() search() match() indexOf() lastIndexOf() replace() trim() charAt() charCodeAt() fromCharCode()…
What is array? In JavaScript, the array is a single variable that is used to store different elements. It is…
DOM is such a technology with the help of which we can completely control any html document with JavaScript. With…
Your Picture Going to DataBase also in file location (C:\xampp\htdocs\folderName\MainFile\storage\app\public\images ) but on screen it is not showing Picture Then…
Inheritance :- When a class derives from another class. The child class will inherit all the public and protected properties…
first we have to open VScode(Visual Studio Code ) for this go to the setting option which is located in your…