Laravel Static Model Error

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Error: when invoking this method statically from a controller, the error handling mechanism fails to execut.

class UserSetting extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['user_id', 'name', 'setting_value'];

    public static function set($user_id, $name, $value)
        if (!User::find($user_id)) {
            return error('NoForeign_User');

            ['user_id' => $user_id, 'name' => $name],
            ['setting_value' => $value]

The set() method attempts to verify the existence of a user with the provided ID using User::find($user_id). If the user is not found, it should ideally return an error. However, when called statically, the error handling fails to interrupt the execution flow.

Solution :

This issue effectively, we need to halt the execution flow when the user is not found. One approach is to throw an exception, which will be caught by Laravel’s exception handler, thereby halting further execution.

Revised Implementation: Here’s how we can enhance the set() method to throw an exception instead of returning a value:

public static function set($user_id, $name, $value)
    if (!User::find($user_id)) {
        throw new \Exception('NoForeign_User');

        ['user_id' => $user_id, 'name' => $name],
        ['setting_value' => $value]
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