Laravel : A Comprehensive Guide of Seeders

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What are Laravel Seeders?

Laravel Seeders are part of Laravel’s Database Seeder functionality, allowing developers to insert sample or default data into their database tables. This is particularly useful for initializing a fresh database with data necessary for testing or setting up default values in production.

How Laravel Seeders Work:

Seeder Classes:

In Laravel, seeders are organized into seeder classes. Each seeder class typically corresponds to a specific database table, and developers can create multiple seeders to populate various tables with different sets of data.

Defining Seed Data:

Within a seeder class, developers use the run method to define the data they want to insert into the associated table. This can include hardcoded values or dynamically generated data using Faker, Laravel’s built-in fake data generator.

Generate a Seeder Class

Use the make:seeder Artisan command to generate a new seeder class. Replace ExampleTableSeeder with the desired name for your seeder and ModelName with the name of the Eloquent model associated with the table:

php artisan make:seeder ExampleTableSeeder

Define Seeder Data

Open the generated seeder class (located in the database/seeders directory) and define the data you want to insert into the associated table within the run method. You can use Laravel’s query builder or Eloquent methods to interact with the database.

For example:

use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

class ExampleTableSeeder extends Seeder
    public function run()
            'column1' => 'value1',
            'column2' => 'value2',
            // Additional columns and data

Run the Seeder

To execute the seeder and insert the defined data into the database, use the db:seed Artisan command. You can specify the seeder class you want to run:

php artisan db:seed --class=ExampleTableSeeder

Run All Seeders (Optional)

If you have multiple seeders and want to run all of them at once, you can use the following Artisan command:

php artisan db:seed

Rollback Seeders (Optional)

To rollback the last batch of seeders and remove the seeded data from the database, you can use the --reverse option:

php artisan db:seed --class=ExampleTableSeeder --reverse
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