How to do file-level commenting

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Effective file-level commenting is an art that elevates your code from functional to comprehensible. Whether you are a seasoned developer or a rookie, incorporating these practices will not only make your code more understandable but also foster a collaborative coding environment. When it comes to coding, clarity is key. Both when using someone else’s code and sharing your own, effective communication is essential. File-level commenting is a powerful tool that aids not only in understanding your code but also in creating a seamless collaborative environment.

the world of file-level comments by exploring a traditional yet effective way of commenting. We’ll be using JavaScript for illustration, but the principles discussed can be applied across various programming languages.

In JavaScript, a comment block is typically denoted by the opening and closing of a multi-line comment.

 * Your comments go here

This block provides a canvas for detailed explanations and documentation. To make the commenting process even more structured and insightful, we can introduce tags. In Visual Studio Code (VSCode), prefixing a comment block with “@” prompts the editor to suggest relevant tags for documentation.

Syntax Styling

Before delving into tags, let’s explore some styling options within the comment block using Markdown-like syntax:


  • # for H1
  • ## for H2
  • ### for H3
  • #### for H4

Text Styles

  • **your text** for bold
  • *your text* for italic
  • ~~your text~~ for strikethrough
  • some text [link]( for adding a link
  • - list item for creating a list
  • ![image](image-url.png) for adding an image
  • > some text for creating a quote


To include code in your comment block with syntax highlighting.

if (isAwesome){
  return true


To add a table block.

First Header | Second Header
------------ | -------------
Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2
Content in the first column | Content in the second column

These Markdown-like tags enhance the visual appeal and structure of your comments.

Useful Tags

Now, let’s explore some handy tags that add functionality to our comments:


Use @param to provide information about the parameters a function requires.

@param {string} queryString - A string value needed to query


Use @returns to specify what the method is returning.

@returns {boolean} - Whatever the method is returning


Attach any internal/external link to your comment easily.

{@link file#makePublic} - Enable access to this method


Auto-style code with @example.

readFile((chunk) => {
// do other processing for chunks
.then((data) => {
// final processing of content
.catch((e) => console.log({ e }));

Other Handy Options

  • @class
  • @private
  • @const
  • @see
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