How to change database password in XAMPP

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To change the database password in XAMPP, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Open XAMPP Control Panel: Launch the XAMPP control panel by running the “xampp-control.exe” file. You can usually find it in the XAMPP installation directory.
  2. Stop the MySQL Service: Locate the MySQL module in the control panel and click the “Stop” button to halt the MySQL service. This step ensures that there are no active connections to the database during the password change.
  3. Open the XAMPP Shell: In the XAMPP control panel, find the “Shell” button associated with the Apache module. Click on it to open the XAMPP Shell, which provides a command-line interface.
  4. Access the MySQL Command Line: In the XAMPP Shell, enter the following command and press Enter to access the MySQL command line
mysql -u root

5. By default, XAMPP uses “root” as the username for MySQL.

6. Change the Password: Once you’re in the MySQL command line, execute the following command to change the password for the root user:

ALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘new_password’;

Replace 'new_password' with the desired password you want to set. Make sure to choose a strong and secure password.

6. Flush Privileges: After changing the password, execute the following command to flush the privileges, ensuring that the changes take effect immediately:


7. Exit the MySQL Command Line: To exit the MySQL command line, type “exit” and press Enter.

8. Start the MySQL Service: Go back to the XAMPP control panel and click the “Start” button for the MySQL module. This action will restart the MySQL service with the new password in effect.

After following these steps, your XAMPP MySQL database password will be successfully changed to the new password you specified. Make sure to update your application or scripts that connect to the database with the new password to ensure proper functionality.

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