Error: “Object of class GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response could not be converted to string”Error:

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If you’re encountering the “Object of class GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response could not be converted to string” error in your Laravel application, don’t worry. we’ll examine the issue and provide a step-by-step solution to resolve it.

Understanding the Issue

The error is occurring because you’re trying to concatenate or directly use the GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response object as a string in your log statements.

Error Context

Here’s the snippet of the code where the error is happening:

$response = $guzzleClient->request('POST', $url, $params);
Log::info('response: ' . $response);
$array = $response->getBody()->getContents();
Log::info('array: ' . $array);
$json = json_decode($array, true);
Log::info('json: ' . $json);

Solution: Remove Unnecessary Logs

To resolve the issue, it’s important to avoid trying to directly use the GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response object in log statements. Here’s the modified code with unnecessary logs removed:

private static function getHospitalMgmntAccessToken() {
    Log::info('In HospitalManagementController->getHospitalMgmntAccessToken()');
    try {
        $guzzleClient = new Client();
        $url = Config::get('app.HOSPITAL_MANAGEMENT_BASE_URL') . Config::get('app.HOSPITAL_M_OAUTH_TOKEN_URL');
        $params = [
            'form_params' => [
                'grant_type' => Config::get('app.HOSPITAL_M_GRANT'),
                'client_id' => Config::get('app.HOSPITAL_M_CLIENT'),
                'client_secret' => Config::get('app.HOSPITAL_M_CLIENT'),
                'redirect_uri' => '',

        Log::info('Getting the token ...');
        Log::info('Token Url: ' . $url);

        $response = $guzzleClient->request('POST', $url, $params);
        $array = $response->getBody()->getContents();
        $json = json_decode($array, true);

        $collection = collect($json);
        $access_token = $collection->get('access_token');

        Log::info('Got the token!');
        return $access_token;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        Log::info('There is some exception in HospitalManagementController->getHospitalMgmntAccessToken()');
        return '';

n this solution:

  • Unnecessary logs such as Log::info('response: ' . $response);, Log::info('array: ' . $array);, and Log::info('json: ' . $json); have been removed.

By making these adjustments, you ensure that you’re logging meaningful information without attempting to directly concatenate the GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response object as a string, which was causing the error. This should resolve the issue you were facing.

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[…] Error: “Object of class GuzzleHttpPsr7Response could not be converted to string”Error: […]

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