Error in Laravel Unable to Set Application Key

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Laravel’s APP_KEY is a critical element in securing your application through encryption and hashing. However, encountering the error “Unable to set application key. No APP_KEY variable was found in the .env file” , you can quickly resolve the “Unable to set application key. No APP_KEY variable was found in the .env file” error in Laravel. Remember to generate a new application key, verify the .env file, clear the configuration cache, and check file permissions.

Unable to set application key. No APP_KEY variable was found in the .env file.

  1. Missing or Incorrect APP_KEY in .env: The primary cause of this error is the absence or incorrect configuration of the APP_KEY variable in your .env file.
  2. Cached Configuration Mismatch: Cached configuration files may be out of sync with the latest changes in your environment configuration.

Clear Configuration Cache

Clear the configuration cache to ensure Laravel picks up the changes:

php artisan config:clear

Verify that the web server has the appropriate permissions to access the .env file. Incorrect permissions can prevent Laravel from accessing the configuration.

Generate a New Application Key

The first step is to generate a new application key using the following Artisan command:

php artisan key:generate

Verify .env File

Open your .env file located in the root directory of your Laravel project. Ensure that it contains the APP_KEY variable:


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