Error in Laravel: Fixing “Non-Static Method Cannot be Called Statically”

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The error message you’re seeing indicates that you’re trying to call a non-static method in a static context. In object-oriented programming, static methods belong to the class itself, rather than an instance of the class. Meanwhile, non-static methods require an instance of the class to be called.

  1. Method Invocation: The error likely occurs when you’re trying to call a method in your code.
  2. Static vs. Non-Static: The method being called is declared as non-static, but you’re attempting to call it statically.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Review Code: Identify where in your codebase you’re calling the method in question.
  2. Check Method Definition: Look at the method’s definition to see if it’s declared as static or non-static.
  3. Adjust Method Call: If the method is non-static and you need to call it statically, you’ll need to modify the method’s declaration.

Resolving the Issue

In your case, you mentioned that adding static to the function resolved the error. Let’s delve into the solution:

class NameController extends Controller {
    // Change the method declaration to static
    public static function name() {
        // Method implementation goes here
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