Error and Solution: Visual Studio Not Installed for Flutter Development

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Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This error typically occurs because Flutter needs certain components from Visual Studio to enable development for Windows platforms. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to resolve this issue:

Understanding the Error

Flutter relies on Visual Studio to provide the necessary tools and libraries for Windows development. Specifically, it requires the “Desktop development with C++” workload to be installed. This workload includes essential components that Flutter uses to build applications targeting Windows.


To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Download Visual Studio:
  2. Run the Visual Studio Installer:
    • Once downloaded, run the Visual Studio Installer.
  3. Select Workload:
    • During installation, you will be prompted to select workloads. Ensure that you select the “Desktop development with C++” workload.
  4. Include Default Components:
    • Make sure to include all the default components that are recommended under this workload. These components are necessary for Flutter to function properly for Windows development.
  5. Complete Installation:
    • Proceed with the installation process until it completes successfully.
  6. Verify Installation:
    • After installation, open a new instance of Visual Studio (if not opened automatically) to verify that the required components are installed correctly.
  7. Run flutter doctor Again:
    • Finally, open your command prompt or terminal and run flutter doctor again to verify that the error has been resolved.
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