Resolving FatalError: Trait “Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesUsers” not found

If you’ve encountered the FatalError with the message “Trait ‘Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesUsers’ not found” in your Laravel application, don’t worry. we’ll explore the issue and provide you with a…

What is use of @yield @extend @section in Laravel

In Laravel, the concepts of layouts, yield, extend, and sections are used to create reusable templates and organize the structure of your application’s views. These features make…

write of 2225 bytes failed with errno=28 no space left on device

The error message you’re seeing, “write of 2225 bytes failed with errno=28 no space left on device,” indicates that there is no available space on the device…

Error: Call to undefined function str_slug()

Laravel, a popular PHP web application framework, undergoes frequent updates to enhance features and security. However, upgrading from an older version to a newer one can sometimes…

Error: HTTP 500 Internal Server”Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\Resource” not found

The error message indicates that the class “Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\Resource” cannot be found. This typically occurs when attempting to use the Resource class in a resource file. In the…

How to use various types of comments

In Visual Studio Code (VS Code), you can use various types of comments that are applicable across different programming languages. Here are some common types of comments:…

showing Error on phpMyAdmin “No space left on device”

The error message “No space left on device” points to a shortage of available space on the server’s disk. This can arise from various factors, such as…

Error: is not on the classpath of project app, only syntax errors are reported

The error message “ is not on the classpath of project app, only syntax errors are reported” typically indicates an issue with the Java Language Server not…

Flutter: Please correct the pubspec.yaml file at :\Users\…\pubspec.yaml

The error you’re encountering in the pubspec.yaml file suggests a syntax issue. Specifically, the error is at line 34, column 2, indicating that there’s a problem with…

Flutter Project Creating issue (is not a valid Dart package name)

The error message indicates that “new_app_App” is not a valid Dart package name. Dart package names must follow certain conventions outlined in the Dart documentation. Here are…