Error in Laravel: Unable to Read Key from File : Passport Installation

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This error is my laravel.log showing

When working with Laravel applications that utilize Passport for API authentication, encountering the error “Unable to read key from file file://C:\xampp\htdocs” can be a roadblock.

Causes of the Error:

  1. Missing Passport Installation: The error often arises when Passport, Laravel’s official OAuth2 server, is not properly installed or configured.
  2. Lack of Encryption Keys: Passport requires encryption keys to secure tokens, and the absence or misconfiguration of these keys can lead to read errors.

The Solution:

Install Laravel Passport

To resolve the error, you need to install Laravel Passport. Open your terminal and run the following command:

php artisan passport:install

Passport installation generates encryption keys necessary for secure token handling. It creates the encryption keys for both the access and refresh tokens. Additionally, it will create the necessary database tables for Passport.

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