Top 50 Linux Commands for Securing Linux Server

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In the realm of server management, security stands as the paramount concern. Linux, with its robust security features, offers a myriad of commands that administrators can leverage to bolster the defenses of their servers. we’ll delve into the top 50 Linux commands specifically tailored for securing your Linux server, ensuring its resilience against potential threats.

  1. iptables:
    • Configures the Linux firewall to filter and manipulate network packets.
  2. ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall):
    • A user-friendly interface for iptables, simplifying firewall configuration.
  3. fail2ban:
    • Protects against brute-force attacks by monitoring log files and banning malicious IP addresses.
  4. sshd_config:
    • Configures the OpenSSH server, enabling administrators to enforce security policies.
  5. sudoers:
    • Manages sudo access, restricting privileged commands to authorized users.
  6. sestatus:
    • Displays the status of SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux), a mandatory access control system.
  7. auditd:
    • Controls the Linux audit framework, monitoring system events for potential security issues.
  8. passwd:
    • Enforces strong password policies for user accounts.
  9. ssh-keygen:
    • Generates and manages SSH keys for secure authentication.
  10. ssh_config:
    • Configures global SSH client options to enhance security during remote connections.
  11. openssl:
    • Manages SSL/TLS certificates and cryptographic operations.
  12. gpg (GNU Privacy Guard):
    • Implements encryption and digital signatures, securing communication and files.
  13. chattr (Change Attributes):
    • Sets file attributes such as immutable or undeletable, enhancing file security.
  14. chkrootkit:
    • Scans for rootkits on the system, detecting potential security threats.
  15. rkhunter (Rootkit Hunter):
    • Identifies rootkits, backdoors, and local exploits.
  16. lynis:
    • Conducts security audits and vulnerability assessments on Linux systems.
  17. clamscan:
    • Scans for malware and viruses in files and directories.
  18. tcpdump:
    • Captures and analyzes network packets, aiding in network security.
  19. lsof (List Open Files):
    • Lists open files and the processes using them, helpful for identifying suspicious activity.
  20. nmap:
    • Scans and maps network infrastructure to identify open ports and potential vulnerabilities.
  21. netcat:
    • A versatile networking utility for reading and writing data across network connections.
  22. snort:
    • An intrusion detection system (IDS) that monitors network traffic for suspicious activity.
  23. mod_security:
    • A web application firewall module that protects against various web-based attacks.
  24. logrotate:
    • Manages log files, preventing them from consuming excessive disk space.
  25. sysctl:
    • Configures kernel parameters to enhance system security.
  26. apparmor:
    • Implements mandatory access controls for applications, confining their capabilities.
  27. firewalld:
    • Manages firewall rules dynamically, simplifying network security.
  28. iptables-persistent:
    • Persists iptables rules across system reboots.
  29. ssh-copy-id:
    • Copies SSH keys to remote servers securely.
  30. pam_tally2:
    • Monitors and locks user accounts after a specified number of failed login attempts.
  31. systemd-journald:
    • Centralizes and manages system logs for better security monitoring.
  32. authconfig:
    • Configures system authentication, enforcing security policies.
  33. setroubleshoot:
    • Troubleshoots SELinux-related issues and provides recommendations.
  34. rngd (Random Number Generator Daemon):
    • Enhances cryptographic security by providing a source of entropy.
  35. aide (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment):
    • Monitors file integrity and detects unauthorized changes.
  36. cryptsetup:
    • Manages encrypted volumes and devices.
  37. iptables-restore:
    • Restores iptables rules from a specified file.
  38. ufw enable/disable:
    • Enables or disables the Uncomplicated Firewall.
  39. sshd:
    • Controls the OpenSSH server, allowing administrators to restart or stop the service.
  40. sudo:
    • Executes a command with elevated privileges, enhancing security.
  41. syslog-ng:
    • A flexible and scalable system logging application.
  42. setsebool:
    • Sets SELinux boolean values to modify policy rules.
  43. openssl s_client:
    • Tests SSL/TLS connections and certificates.
  44. nftables:
    • Manages packet filtering rules in the Linux kernel.
  45. faillock:
    • Manages the configuration and state of the pam_faillock module.
  46. auditctl:
    • Configures the Linux audit framework rules.
  47. ssh-add:
    • Adds private key identities to the SSH authentication agent.
  48. gnupg2:
    • GNU Privacy Guard for secure communication and data integrity.
  49. chpasswd:
    • Batch updates passwords from a text file, enhancing password management.
  50. nsswitch.conf:
    • Configures name-service switch behavior, enhancing system security.
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