• DevOpsCertification, India
  • contact@devopscertification.co

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60 hrs.

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The DATAOPS CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL Certified DataOps Engineer – DataOps is a collaborative data management practice focused on improving the communication, integration and automation of data flows between data managers and data consumers across an organization. The goal of DataOps is to deliver value faster by creating predictable delivery and change management of data, data models and related artifacts.

Recommended Knowledge and Experience

This certification Learning Path is as part of this projects, we would help student to have first hand experience of real time software project development planning, coding, deployment, setup and monitoring in production from scratch to end. We would also help students to visualize a real development environment, testing environment and production environments. The goal of this project. Project technology would be Java, Pythong and DOTNET and based on microservices concept..

Intended Audience

DataOps further brings these methodologies into the data domain. In a nutshell, DataOps applies Agile development, DevOps and lean manufacturing to data analytics development and operations. Agile is an application of the Theory of Constraints to software development, i.e., smaller lot sizes decrease work-in-progress and increase overall manufacturing system throughput. DevOps is a natural result of applying lean principles (e.g., eliminate waste, continuous improvement, broad focus) to application development and delivery. Lean manufacturing also contributes a relentless focus on quality, using tools such as statistical process control, to data analytics.

Learning Objectives

The aim of the certification is to validate your knowledge across a number of different key areas, which have been defined by DataOps as being able to:

Abilities Validated by the Certification

  1. Understand the process to establish a repeatable process that delivers rigor and repeatability
  2. Articulate the business value of any data sprint by capturing the KPI's the sprint will deliver
  3. Understand how to enable the organization's business, development and operations to continuously design, deliver and validate new data demands

Prepare for Your Exam

There is no better preparation than hands-on experience. There are many relevant DataOps Training courses and other resources to assist you with acquiring additional knowledge and skills to prepare for certification. Please review the exam guide for information about the competencies assessed on the certification exam.


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